
Sue Siddall joins ustwo as non-executive director

Business leader and creative strategist Sue Siddall – until recently Managing Partner, Europe, at design and consulting firm IDEO – has been named non-executive director at ustwo as the global digital product studio best known for its work for Google, BMW and The Body Coach, accelerates plans for future growth.


Over a career spanning 30+ years, Siddall has worked both agency and client side, establishing a strong track record in growing businesses through a combination of purpose, strategy, and design delivered by world class products, services, and experiences.

An independent advisor since last October, she spent 17 years at design and consulting firm IDEO – latterly as Managing Partner, Europe. Between 2007 and 2015, she was the company’s Partner and Managing Director, London.

Her previous roles include Chief Marketing Officer at iconic British luxury handbag brand Tanner Krolle and, before that, Group Director at M&C Saatchi where she led world-class communication for global brands. Siddall has also led strategy, design, and innovation programmes with leadership teams in hospitality, publishing, retail, healthcare and the third sector for clients including: British Airways, IHG and IKEA.

In recent years, she has focused on new models that put people and the planet at the heart of design and innovation with a broader set of beneficiaries. She is an advisor to social enterprises including the Venture Studio from Crisis, and a mentor to female leaders at pivotal career stages.

Siddall says:

“Three things stand out for me about ustwo that I’m impressed and excited to support.

It has digital product delivery baked into its DNA – and delivery is the best way to create positive outcomes. It has transitioned into an employee ownership trust model, which is a great example of some of the new models the world should be embracing. And as a B Corp, it is putting people and the planet at the centre of everything it does.

So, I’m excited to bring my experience to support their growth and build on these strong foundations.”

John “Sinx” Sinclair, Founder of ustwo, says:

“We are looking forward to working with Sue to help us further grow our business by ensuring we grow in the right places.

As more organisations seek to create products, our market is an increasingly busy one. Communicating the value our work brings to the organisation we work with – and, also, delivers to all audiences – is core to our business development strategy.”