What we do

Auto and Mobility

We make a positive impact on the way businesses, people and cities move

The Auto and Mobility industry is grappling with unprecedented change

The advent of new technologies such as self-driving vehicles and new attitudes towards car ownership and transportation is transforming the industry.

Relentless User Focus

In an industry often dominated by engineering priorities, we design products and services grounded in the in-depth understanding of user needs.

Truly Agile

We understand how to make Agile practices work within traditional automotive and transportation processes and organisations.

Teaching by Doing

We take clients on the product journey: from executive coaching sessions to working within product teams.

The Four Pillars of our Auto & Mobility expertise

Jaguar Land Rover app on smart watch

Connected car & HMI

We bring our 15 years experience in best-in-class user experience design and pixel perfect precision to the automotive and transportation space. We make the experience of interfaces within transport accessible, user-friendly, personal and situational, harnessing the potential that a connected experience can bring to people’s lives.

Customer-vehicle access

The way we buy vehicles is changing. These days we favour digital experience, such as online, AR and VR showrooms over traditional dealerships. Further, more and more of us are paying for access to the vehicle rather than outright ownership. We craft the service design and digital touchpoints that provide us with access to the journey.

Photo of VR goggles
Artwork to illustrate driverless vehicles

Autonomous transport

Autonomous vehicles promise to make a meaningful difference to the world, enabling a new level of mobility, independence and safety for all. Yet discussions continue to focus on topics such as technological feasibility and its impact on our roads, rather than the needs of us all. We create delightful, accessible autonomous experiences.

Smart accessible mobility

Our ultimate aim in Auto & Mobility is to improve the way we all get around. We combine technology with our expertise in user experience design to improve our own mobility as people first, whether that’s by car, train or by foot.

Humanising Autonomy

We wrote a book about researching and prototyping unique autonomous mobility experiences.

Download the book (PDF)

We have many stories, covering various industries and service offerings:


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Auto and Mobility

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Play Thinking

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Product-led Transformation

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